Latest Projects.
This instrument is designed and made by Ricky to discover all kinds of new wood techniques, by practical tests in the wood workshops.
These paintings and illustrations are studies of shapes, new painting, drawing or illustration techniques and colours.
Studies in all kind of tests with clay, glazes en molding shapes.
For more pictures click at the article and see more.
This leather bag can be used in two situations. You don’t have to buy a bigger plastic bag when you went for shopping. By folding the bag you can make this ‘Folding bag’ smaller or bigger when you need more or less space to carry something.
For more information and pictures click at the article and read more.
These two chairs are designed for grandparents and there grandchildren. The chairs are multifunctional, because when you put both chairs together, it will become a box for little children. Grandparents can save space with this new design of the ‘generation chair’.
For more information and pictures click at the article and read more.
This year the theme of the Hema design competion was about food. “Design that one particular product that cooking and dining makes easier and more beautiful.” Ricky’s design was based on a dutch tradition with Mothersday. Childern bring there mams a breakfast at bed. Ricky designed a do it self package for kids to make a creative breakfast in the shape of a heart. Every mam will love this self made breakfast!
Hema design competition website
For more information and pictures click at the article and read more.
With a team of 8 other designers Ricky created a game about cultures, habits and all kind of things kids can to learn about the world. With Nala World you will fly around the world. It is a game designed for children, printed on fabric to discover the world. You can hang the worldmap design on the wall in the childrenroom when they are not playing the game. The team of designers together created the product, the brand corperate identity and worked together for a businessplan. Nala World is for sale. We have on on some fairs to explain more about the game and show it. To order, or for more information, get in contact with me! Mail
Together with the team we won the first prize with Nala World at the Company Launch in Tilburg of the organisation Jong Ondernemen.
For more information and pictures click at the article and read more.